Model, Business Owner
Ahh I have so many passions.. but to name a few: modeling, my skincare line SkinBUTTR, and just being the best person that I can be for myself and everyone I encounter.
My clothes have taken me literally everywhere. My clothes have survived so many moves, from home to college to New York. I still find things from high school (6 years ago).
My goal is to be a successful business person, to be mentally, financially and spiritually worry free.
One of my proudest moments has to be 2 years ago when I dropped everything and moved to New York. I'm super proud because I left a life that I was semi-comfortable with and threw myself into a place where I knew I didn't know that many people, didn't know where I was going to work, or what to do. But I'm proud because I survived, I'm happy, and I'm growing.
The most powerful thing about being a woman is everything! Our passion, our love, confidence, our motherly instincts. We are so strong and smart and have the power to do whatever we put out minds to.
I'm in love with the the concept of ThreadConnection. Being able to influence and connect with other women is super dope and something I'm proud to be apart of.
The message I hope to send to other ladies is to be confident no matter what. In everything you do own it.
@tatianaelizabethh @skinbuttr